RTKLib is a comprehensive suite of programs for RTK GNSS processing, boasting a stellar reputation in the GNSS community. Its suite of Windows GUI programs are compact, user-friendly, and dependable. Plus, RTKLib is open-source, making it freely available for anyone to use.
In this blog post, I’ll guide you through the process of downloading and setting up RTKLib on your system.
You can obtain the latest version of the software directly from its official website at RTKLib’s home page.

As of November 24, 2023, the most recent release is version 2.4.3 B34, which you can download from its GitHub repository at RTKLib on GitHub.

To download, simply click the “Code” button and choose “Download ZIP” from the dropdown menu. If you’re adept with Git, you have the option to clone the repository to your local machine using the git clone
command. Once you unzip the downloaded file, you’ll find an array of utility programs in the ‘bin’ folder.

These applications are ready to run straight out of the box and don’t require a formal installation. By double-clicking the executable files, you can immediately launch the respective Windows GUI applications and start working.